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Keto diet - You eat a very low carbohydrate food and high-fat diet. By following a low carbohydrate diet and high-fat diet, your body starts replacing carbohydrates with fat and the body turns into a metabolic state called Ketosis. Keto diet is also used for treating mentally sick people.

Keto diet also cures your mental health problems like:


Bipolar Disorder



However, no clinical studies scientifically have proven the effectiveness of Keto diet on mental health.

There are several types of keto diets for different body types.

Who needs Keto Diet?: Different types of people use Keto diet for different reasons including athletes, bodybuilders, people with epilepsy, diabetes, and people who are looking to burn extra body fat.

Know more about ketgenic Diet Supplements

Ketogenic Diet Supplements: 

  • Avocados.
  • Cheese. Cheese is incredibly nutritious.
  • Dark Chocolate.
  • Whole Eggs.
  • Fatty Fish.
  • Nuts.
  • Chia Seeds.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
  • 2.Eggs
  • 3.Meat
  • 4.Poultry
  • 5.Seafood
  • 6.Nuts and seeds
  • 7.Leafy Greens
  • 8.Low Carb Veggies
  • 9.Berries

Types of Ketogenic Diet:  

Standard Ketogenic Diet(SKD)

Very Low Carb Ketogenic Diet(VLCKD)

Well Formulated Ketogenic Diet(WFKD)

Medium-chain triglycerides Ketogenic Diet(MCTS)

Calorie Restricted Ketogenic Diet

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet(CKD)

Cyclical Ketogenic Diet(CKD)

Targeted Ketogenic Diet(TKD)

High Protein Ketogenic Diet

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